下面是一首歌的歌词,你能找出描写天气的单词吗。请写在后面的横线上。 财富值12

2016-07-27 13:38发布

ho.the wearis hot.

And the skyis clear.

It's a beautiful  spot.

This time of year.

oh,the weqther is hot and the sky is clear.

oh,I'm never going to leave this place again.

oh, the clouds get dart.

And thethunder roars.

And the lightning strikes.

Thenit rains andbpours

Oh,the clouds get dark and the thunder roars. Oh,I'm never going to leave this place again

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hot 热

clouds get dark 乌云

thunder roars 雷鸣

lightning stikes 电闪
rains and pours 倾盆大雨





,the weqther is hot and the sky is clear.

Thenit rains andbpours

the clouds get dark and the thunder roars

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