打印日历,但是不用内置的calender函数 财富值34

2016-10-14 08:23发布

先写第一排partial week,再写三排full week,如果还有剩下的再写一排partial week.

""" Print the calendar for a month. Authors: #FIXME Credits: #FIXME  Limitations: Treats February as always having 28 days.  """  import argparse import datetime # To determine what day of week a month                 # begins on.   # Note: For this project, module calendar # is not permitted.  It basically has a function # to do the whole assignment in one line.   MONTHLEN = [ 0, # No month zero     31, # 1. January     28, # 2. February (ignoring leap years)     31, # 3. March     30, # 4. April     31, # 5. May     30,    # 6. June     31, # 7. July     31, # 8. August     30, # 9. September     31, #10. October     30, #11. November     31, #12. December     ]  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Print calendar") parser.add_argument("month", type=int,                          help="Month number (1-12)") parser.add_argument("year", type=int,                          help="Year (1800-2525)") args = parser.parse_args()  # gets arguments from command line month = args.month year = args.year   # What day of the week does year,month begin on?  a_date = datetime.date(year, month, 1) starts_weekday = a_date.weekday() ## a_date.weekday() gives 0=Monday, 1=Tuesday, etc. ## Roll to start week on Sunday starts_weekday = (1 + starts_weekday) % 7     month_day = 1               ## Next day to print last_day = MONTHLEN[month]  ## Last day to print  print(" Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa") ### ###  The first (perhaps partial) week ### for i in range(7):     if i < starts_weekday :         print("   ", end="")     else:         # Logic for printing one day, moving to next         print(format(month_day, "3d"), end="")         month_day += 1 print() # Newline  ### ###   Then the full weeks ...  ### ### Pseudocode:  ### While there is at least a full week left in the month ###     Print each day of the week ###        (incrementing month_day as above) ### for i in range(7):         print(format(month_day, "3d"), end="")         month_day += 1 print() for i in range(7):         print(format(month_day, "3d"), end="")         month_day += 1 print() for i in range(7):         print(format(month_day, "3d"), end="")         month_day += 1 print()        ### ###    Then any remaining days (partial week) ### ### Pseudocode:  ### If there are any days left ###     print them for i in range(7):         if i < last_day:                 print(format(month_day, "3d"), end="")                 month_day += 1         else:                 print("   ",end="")

这是我写出来的代码,但是最后一排并不会停下来,比如我call 2013年10月的日历,打印出来的是:

 Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa         1  2  3  4  5   6  7  8  9 10 11 12  13 14 15 16 17 18 19  20 21 22 23 24 25 26  27 28 29 30 31 32 33


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